The Importance of Your Credit Score

The Importance of Your Credit Score Understanding the value of your credit score is an important first step to improving your financial health. Anyone who has ever applied for a loan to purchase a car or house has encountered their credit score. This elusivefigure can be perplexing, a three-digit assessment of your credit worthiness that … Read more

Tax time is coming…Do you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit?

Family at table discussing their taxes.

It’s Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day Have you checked in with your financial professional to determine whether you qualify? Just as the cold, short days of winter lean toward monotony, the mundane becomes celebratory with the arrival of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness Day. The nascent January 31 annual holiday — 2021 marks … Read more

Life Comes at You Fast…Are You Prepared for Financial Surprises

Blog image for Life Comes at You Fast.

Are You Prepared for Financial Surprises? A job loss, an illness or an unexpected expense are not things we typically like to think about. Having a plan in place can help reduce your anxiety and protect you financially when the unexpected happens. In these times of increased uncertainty, there has never been a better time … Read more

New Year, New You…Time to Tune-Up Your Financial Plan

Feature image for New Year, New You...Time to Tune-Up Your Financial Plan.

Time to Tune-Up Your Financial Plan There are fundamental steps you can take to get on-track with your financial plan. Planning for your financial future is a critical endeavor, yet one that many overlook or fail to nurture. Some may feel that financial planning is only for the rich; others may feel that they’ve already … Read more